- NYPL joined Flickr Commons one week ago today with an initial set of 1300 images. Unlike the Library of Congress, NYPL chose to add librarian-assigned tags to each photograph, partially culled from subject headings.
- The New York Times ran a short feature on the library at Brooklyn Collegiate, a public school in Ocean Hill. The article documents the school media specialist's struggle to provide materials for her students on a tight, tight budget.
- Clear the stacks! Brooklyn Public's Williamsburgh branch appears in Flight of the Conchords' season two premier. The episode has already been posted elsewhere, but for those of us who require our Jemaine Clement fix in clear, unpixelated glory, the official, high-resolution version should appear later today on the HBO website.
22 December 2008
NYPL on Flickr, School Libraries in the Times, and FotC in the 'Burg
20 December 2008
New School Libraries' Obscure Future
I agree that students may use the GF building at 65 Fifth Ave until a suitable replacement is secured and instituted, which would include the re-installment of suitable library and study space. This would need to be approved by the USS.The new library space in Arnhold Hall was already scheduled to open January 20 (see Interim University Librarian Ed Scarcelle's comments on my previous post). Kerrey's promise of additional study space is, if acted upon, a significant accomplishment by the protesters that will benefit the entire student body. Considering the severity of the study space deficit, however, 7000 square feet is hardly sufficient. (If you're having trouble visualizing this, think Bowery Ballroom-size.)Due to my limitation under the board, and because of repeated and voiced student concern about the university's investments, this is already underway for alternative space. I guarantee that by the beginning of spring semester I will provide new library space in Arnold hall. I will also provide 7000 feet of quiet study space at Sheila Johnson galleries by the end of spring semester. I agree to meet with the students to discuss the current plans, alternatives, and financial planning.
More than half of Fogelman's collection is now in offsite storage. This makes sense, given that the Arnhold Hall space is temporary. In preparation for the move, however, only a tiny portion of the physical collection was available to students during the fall semester and, critically, during their finals period.
The new building to be constructed on the GF building's footprint will include a larger, centralized library facility that may merge Fogelman with the Gimbel Art & Design Library and the Kellen Archives Center. All of this is tentative, however: according to this article in the New School Free Press, construction plans for the "Signature Building" have been downsized and delayed indefinitely. With a future this uncertain, it's no wonder New School students are angry, frustrated, disheartened....
18 December 2008
Night of Disquiet
My understanding that the New School's Fogelman Library was closing for one month was based on this short note in the Weekly Observer. In truth, Fogelman -- the school's humanities and social sciences library -- has been slated for demolition. As far as I can determine, a new student services building will be constructed on the same site at 65 5th Avenue. Information about this new building and the temporary fate of the library's collections is hard to find. (Either the New School has imposed a veil of silence over their plans, or I'm a lousy librarian. The latter is quite possible...and it's awfully late for serious research.)
Any information or insights into the New School's libraries would be most appreciated. Where are you New School librarians? Tell us your stories, please!
New School Students Take Over Grad Faculty Building
• The removal of Bob Kerrey as president of our university.The library connection? There's plenty:
• The removal of James Murtha as executive vice president of our university
• Students, faculty, and staff elect the president, EVP, and Provost.
• Students are part of the interim committee to hire a provost.
• The removal of Robert B. Millard as treasurer of the board of trustees.
• Intelligible transparency and disclosure of the university budget and investments.
• The creation of a committee on socially responsible investments.
• The immediate suspension of capital improvement projects like the tearing down of 65 fifth Ave.
• Instead, money towards the creation of an autonomous student space.
• Instead, money towards scholarships and reducing tuition.
• Instead, money for the library and student life generally.
Meanwhile, there is virtually no common study space - certainly not enough for over 9000 students. We have no library. Only 10% of the book collection is actually on the stacks at Fogelman library - everything we need is in storage, and the new library will not be built this year.I was aware that New Schoolers would be without a library for about a month, but it sounds like the situation is far worse than that. I'll check into the full story and post more later this evening.
17 December 2008
Minding the Deficit
If Paterson's plan passes, deep cuts in staffing and services would necessarily follow. The Mayor of Philadelphia is threatening to close 11 of 54 public libraries in his city. Are New Yorkers doomed to an equally dire future? We'll know for certain when the Legislature votes in February or March. In the meantime, I expect the hearty outcry to begin right...about...now.
16 December 2008
Tis the Season...
13 December 2008
Librarians as "wee timerous beasties"
On the whole, however, LeClerc's responses fit the smooth, benign style of a typical bureaucrat. No surprise there! He did not reply to the vitriolic scree I quoted in my earlier post, nor to this lament from a retired librarian and current NYPL volunteer. I know I'm focusing on the negative here, but these are valid questions that deserve a response. And then there's this:
Is it correct? According to the Library Site Manager job description available on the New York Public Library Guild's website, the answer is yes. The position requires a B.A. "or an equivalent combination of education and experience". Current Branch Managers get "first crack" at these lower-qualification positions which are, at least, unionized (more details here). Some Local 1930 members "feel [this] will enable the Library to reduce the ranks of librarians and 'de-professionalize' the job by piling on administrative duties that don’t require the knowledge they gained in graduate school." No kidding! Considering the current economic climate, does NYPL have the funds for 80 new positions? What do branch librarians really think about this development? So many questions....Is it correct that libraries are no longer headed by librarians but by “site managers” without library degrees? What’s wrong with librarians with degrees? Site manager sounds like someone who can handle a computer crash and crowd control better than knowing what books are on the shelves. It seems to me you’ve put in charge a new breed of librarian, wee timerous beasties, who can be cowed by your administrators.
Another update: Nate Hill created a neat Wordle cloud composed of words from the NY Times article's comments. Check it out here and on the PLA Blog:

11 December 2008
On Exhibit: Happy 125th to the Grolier Club!
'For Jean Grolier & His Friends' is much more than a piece of Grolier Club history, it is a survey covering 125 years of American trends in the book arts, as well as the steady growth of interest by Americans in political, literary and art historical topics, as embodied either in Grolier Club publications, or Grolier Club exhibitions. The show will be accompanied by a monumental 500-page illustrated history and comprehensive checklist of over 1000 Grolier Club exhibitions and publications produced since 1884.
10 December 2008
Artists in the Library: Design by the Book
In episode two, the artists travel to the Humanities and Social Sciences Library where they enjoy some top-notch reference service and peruse print-based fodder for inspiration:
I'm excited to see the results from this collaboration in episode three. But how will they top the Isaac Mizrahi cameo?
09 December 2008
Patience, Fortitude, Vicious Infighting
As of 8:30 PM Tuesday, the post has logged 79 comments, with queries ranging from the prosaic to the insightful to the truly bizarre. As expected, there are plenty of complaints about limited hours, inequality of resources/services allotted to certain branches, fines (too low!), and overzealous security. Then there's this scathing indictment:
There seems to be a huge upheaval in your research libraries with vicious infighting for turf supremacy and wholesale transfers of staff from one supervisor to another (outside of their core competency) by mid-managers in each respective institution. It seems like a wholesale slaughter with morale at an all time low. How is this supposed to improve the research libraries internal and external relationships?Sacre bleu! I presume this was written by an insider. We can only hope Monsieur le Président chooses to respond to this and other serious and/or critical questions posed by his constituency.
Some librarians are, of course, contributing to the commentary, even responding to some of the more mundane questions that surely don't warrant Dr. LeClerc's attention. We just can't help ourselves!
08 December 2008
For Your Consideration: Field Trips, Week of Dec. 8, 2008
- METRO programs, including a networking opportunity for all you new and/or job-seeking librarians out there, MyMETRO and Your Career (Dec. 11).
- Dec. 9: A lecture by Don Carli, "The Carbon Footprint of Print and Digital Media".
- Dec. 10-11: Open houses at Pratt and the Palmer School. Get yer Ph.D here!
- Dec. 12: A free program on publishing in librarianship, hosted by ACRL/NY.
- Dec. 13: Shop local and pretty at the Center for Book Arts Holiday Gift Fair.
07 December 2008
In Vino Veritas
05 December 2008
On Exhibit: Bookbindings at the Morgan Library & Museum
03 December 2008
New York Heritage: 3,016 Newly Digitized Items
Update on "Michelangelo: La Dotta Mano"
NYPL's copy is a donation and will migrate to the Rare Books Division after the one week viewing opportunity ends.
01 December 2008
Get Out of the Library! Field Trips, Week of Dec. 1, 2008

First and foremost, the weekend: Saturday night brings this season's premier philanthropic shindig, Be Still My Frosty Heart : The Desk Set Presents The Biblioball at the GlassLands Gallery in Williamsburg. All proceeds will go toward books for Passages Academy, serving incarcerated and detained youth in NYC. Plus, dancing, dress-up, fantastic raffle prizes...it's win-win-win!
Also on tap:
- Throughout the week: Various METRO workshops.
- Dec. 5: ACRL/NY Annual Symposium. Registration is closed.
- Dec. 6-7: The 21st Annual Indie & Small Press Book Fair. Discover new publishers and attend a variety of fun and informative events. It all culminates in Literary Trivia Smackdown 2.0. Really.